Spring 2025 Interest Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 3:15–4:15 PM
- LocationALN 296: Graduate Studies Conference Room, 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620, United States
- DescriptionAre you interested in being involved in a Graduate Student Organization or interested in graduate school in the future?. . . . Come to our interest meeting where you will get to find out all about the Graduate and Professional Student Council!. . . . We are open to ALL STUDENTS, and we do many things for graduate students and undergraduate students alike, such as offering social events, professional development opportunities, chance to collaborate with other graduate student organizations, and much more!
Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzRkNjQwZjctZWJkYy00NmU1LTk2ZGMtMTNmN2E2NzY0MzY1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22741bf7de-e2e5-46df-8d67-82607df9deaa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22405f3ae2-f588-4991-a922-c48c4981ad9b%22%7d
Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979892 - Websitehttps://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979892
- CategoriesGPSC, Meeting, Campus - Tampa, First Year Students, Sophomores, Seniors, Juniors, Graduate, Giveaways, Transfer Students, Non-Traditional Students