- LocationSign in to download the location
- DescriptionStorm Scrim
Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1980001 - Websitehttps://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1980001
- CategoriesOWC, Training
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- Mar 1011:00 AMVirtual Pre-Law Group Advising SessionInterested in attending law school after graduation? Want to meet with a pre-law advisor in an individual meeting? Then, attending one of our pre-law group advising sessions is your first step! Join us for a virtual group advising session to learn more about building your competitiveness for law school!Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzlhNmJkMTctNjQzZS00OTdmLWFhNTgtOWJkZTBmMzkyNjIx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22741bf7de-e2e5-46df-8d67-82607df9deaa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%221fd40e39-a5bc-4cad-b96f-ff75ba410a55%22%7d --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1973069
- Mar 1012:00 PMCareer Express Drop-InCenter for Career & Professional Development (CCPD) in Tampa is pleased to offer in-person, drop-in services for our students and alumni. These brief 15-minute sessions allow you to get answers to basic career-related questions --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1975454
- Mar 1012:00 PMCMDA Fellowship LunchJoin CMDA with lunch as we welcome back M1 students into Course 4 and send-off M2 students into their last week of pre-clinical studies! --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1978460
- Mar 1012:00 PMFinding a Study Abroad ProgramCome meet with GloBull Ambassadors and find out more about their study abroad experiences. Learn how to navigate our program discovery page and explore all the possible places you can travel abroad! This is an informal meet up hosted in FAO 104 on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 12-1:30pm. Bring your lunch, laptop and/or phone, and connect with us!!! --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1978357
- Mar 1012:00 PMSelf-Care-Kit Packing, Letter Writing, and Morse Code Bracelet for SurvivorsShow your support for survivors of sexual assault by writing heartfelt letters, assembling self-care bags, and creating matching bracelets or keychains with Morse code messages of empowerment. Let’s come together to spread hope, strength, and solidarity! --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1978671