- LocationSign in to download the location
- DescriptionWhites ECAC
Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979909 - Websitehttps://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1979909
- CategoriesOWC, Entertainment
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- Mar 79:00 AMUniversity Area CDC - Volunteer in the GardenVolunteer in the Garden. . . . Every Friday | 9:00am-11:00am. . . . Volunteering is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things you can do to make an impact in the University Area community. By volunteering at University Area CDC, you have the opportunity to help shape a community and provide services to local residents. We look forward to having you join us and positively impacting the University Area community!. . . . Questions? Please contact Sara Román, Outreach Coordinator, at 813-558-5212 x 403 or sroman@uacdc.org. --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1959215
- Mar 79:30 AMWomen in Leadership & Philanthropy Student SummitThe WLP Student Summit is a student-led half-day event designed for students to network with members of the Tampa Bay community and to hear professionals from various fields tell their stories about navigating the paths to their success. Through the collaboration required to organize a philanthropic event, we aim for students to engage in a dynamic and immersive learning experience that extends beyond traditional classroom settings. Students learn the fundamentals of project management, including setting goals, creating timelines, and managing resources. The event is free to all USF students. --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1978385
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- Mar 710:00 AMCrochet WorkshopJoin us in the Student Technology Center, located in Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, for a crash-course workshop on crocheting!. . Weekly, Friday's all day --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1977334