- All daySkiing in North CarolinaJoin Outdoor Recreation as we head up to Sugar Mountain & Beech Mountain, North Carolina to hit the fresh powder and enjoy the winter! No prior experience required and all skiing or snowboarding gear included! We’ll be staying close to the slopes so you can experience the thrill of skiing for the first time or hone your skills on the fresh powder. --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1971019
- All day10,000 Islands Expedition KayakingCamping and bonfires on white sand beach, mangrove islands, sea kayaking across open water with sea tutrles and dolphins. Doesn't that sound like a great way to celebrate the end of Fall semester?! Join Outdoor Recreation for a week of kayak touring in some of Florida's most unique and pristine ecosystems. Including kayaking trough mangrove mazes, island hopping in the coastal Everglades National Park, and beach camping! --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1971021
- 1:30 PM1hPre-Health Group Advising (Virtual)During a group advising session, the presenters will discuss competitiveness, GPA, rigor of semester scheduling, extracurricular activities, healthcare experiences, and more. Additionally, the Health Professions Advisors are available at the end of the session to answer questions about recommendations to build competitiveness, major options, suggestions for extracurricular activities and any other questions you may have.Meeting Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjlhNzRjYTctZDYxYS00MDU2LTljZDUtYjA2MGQyMmQ4NGU1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22741bf7de-e2e5-46df-8d67-82607df9deaa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f0f825a1-f33a-47ba-a01c-98d02a7bc833%22%7d --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1961366
- 3:00 PM2hWriting WednesdayAre you a Postdoc or Graduate Student looking to improve on your writing skills? Writing Wednesday is the time for you! Join us if you are looking for a space to write your important academic papers (Journal Articles, Fellowships, Candidacy Proposals, Theses, Dissertations, ETD formatting, etc...).. . . . If you need more information or have questions, please email Dr. Tracy Costello at tcostello111@usf.edu. . . . This event is hosted by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1961769
- 8:00 PM1h 45mTable Tennis at USF - Open PracticeTable tennis open practice --- Event Details: https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/rsvp?id=1966262